The JP Pop n' Stuf Podcast Episode 7!


Welcome to episode 7!

Thanks for stopping by. In this episode we shiver (not sit shivahhh), talk about how horrible it is to REALLY receive coal for Christmas, why you should always wear a helmet while riding a horse, my Jabba the Hut photo(if we get enough comments, I will post it), the year my Christmas was ruined by a dog mauling and the LA Swat Team, maggots on the ceiling, Hunger Games Catching Fire, Gremlins the movie, Pirahna. Stick it out til the end for a special treat...Melanies favorite drink. 

To see who will be playing at all three Governors Comedy Clubs:

To see non jabba the hut photos of me:

Follow Melanie on twitter: @melanieenglert

Follow Jeannie on twitter: @funtasian

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To Learn more about the film Umbrellas Kill: While you are there, sign the petition!

Also visit the director of Umbrellas Kill at 

Thanks for listening!! 

The JP Pop n' Stuf Podcast - Episode 4

Hello and welcome to Episode 4 of The JP Pop n' Stuf Podcast 

In this installment we talk about Man of Steel vs. Superman Returns where I completely tune Melanie out because I am thinking about Henry Cavills glorius body, Melanies take on what happened to Harrison Ford during the filming of Regarding Henry, my horrible description of Divergent, Melanie's obsession with Ed Kemper(she kept his creepy face on the monitor the whole time), Melanies disgusting burping habit, trying not to stay on topic, our latest diner experience & much much more. 

Next week I will be bringing you my review on Thor & Enders Game. I can already tell you that Thor was amazing because he is undeniably the hottest man in hollywood right now & I dont really care about Enders Game but I love m&ms in my popcorn so I will use any excuse to go to the movies. 

Melanie refuses to eat until people post comments about our podcast. Please do so by posting a comment below or she may not make it to Episode 5. So you are either going to kill her or make her really really fat. I on the other hand do not need a reason to eat. EVER...

Thanks for listening!

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Follow me on twitter: or @funtasian

Follow Melanie on twitter: or @MelanieEnglert

The JP Pop n' Stuf Podcast - Episode 2

Welcome to Episode 2 of The JP Pop n' Stuf Podcast. Tune in and listen to us talk about rabies shots, spraying the toilet with poo-pourri, Melanies infatuation with presidential tapes, Marc David Herschmann, real pebbles in the fruity pebbles and other funny stuff. Thanks for listening. If you would like to comment, ask us any questions, or have a us at or

You can also find Jeannie on twitter @funtasian

Melanie on twitter @melanie_englert

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